Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Actually, I'm doing pretty good!

So it's been awhile since my word vomit all over my blog. Thankfully, it's been long enough that I have lovely and excellent news to report!

I'm ok!

Yep. True story.

In the last blog, I think I'd really hit my low point with the sickness and all that nonsense, and finally accepting that I wasn't ok is what ultimately helped me to be ok. After that I started praying more and begging God to pull me out of the muck I'd found myself stuck in, and apparently begging works! :) I started to smile more, my illness (still unknown what exactly it was..) was getting better, I slept a ton. I started to feel like myself again. I felt that joy that I know is usually so prevalent in my life come seeping back in like an old friend. Love & warmth from God draped over my sick body like a fuzzy blanket.

I felt radiant, for lack of a better word. I knew I started to feel better when I took the time to put together an outfit that had layers and required effort and high heels! For almost two months prior I had wanted to live in jeans and flats. And here I was! Posing in front of my full-length mirror making sure the heels looked good with the skirt and tights. I was me again. :)

Starting in 6 days, I will be doing the Daniel Fast. Basically going vegan plus no sugar/caffeine/"pleasant foods". I'm really excited, actually! A dear friend of mine in PA (hey girl heyyyy!) did it and was raving about the results she's been having. Not just physical results (because the girl's lost 20 lbs!) but also the spiritual and emotional results. This sounds like just what I need: I love myself and I have confidence, but I just want to be healthier. I want to be able to chase after kids at church, or even after my own when the time comes, without getting winded or coughing. I don't want to have a difficult time finding clothes that fit me at stores. I can't keep blaming designers for not making clothes my size, when really it's me who's the problem in being this size.

Again, don't get me wrong- I'm a big fan of me. A much bigger fan than I used to be [pun not intended. ha!]. I just want to be healthy. And I want to swing dance for hours without my face turning bright red.

From March 1-31st, I'll be doing the Daniel Fast with 2 other friends, and another friend who's giving up coffee. I'm excited. Pumped, even! I'm taking control of my own body. We'll be going to zumba and hopefully to the gym more often. In fact, I even went to the gym last night! Look at me go! =) And just for fun, we're calling it "March Madness 2011". Don't tell basketball fans!

Please pray with me as I do this though; I'm not expecting it to be easy and I've never been great with moderation. That's why I'm hoping the "cold turkey" method will cut it. I think this will be good though, I think I might be on the process of changing my life for the better.

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body"