I never wanted to end up here, spiritual speaking... It's a land of greys, compromises, and excuses. It's a place where I can't see myself yet I feel on display in regards to my behaviors, whether it's at church or at work. It's a place where there's little hope.
The fact that there's little hope though is my fault. It's not like God has ever abandoned me or left me to wallow in this world. He jumps in front of me and I get turned away by some distraction. He pursues me with obvious reminders and nudgings, hoping for a hint of affection from me, and I flitter the other way still distracted.
The redeeming part of this whole thing?
I see these mistakes.
I want God back.
I want to run and jump in front of Him.
I want to pursue Him in large and passionate ways.
I want to write love letters and spend time reading about Him.
I want to throw my arms around His neck and never let him out of my sight again.
"It's a slow fade, when you give yourself away. A slow fade, when black and white are turned to grey."
I've found myself compromising on my standards in some regards (yet never on the boyfriend front and now I'm incredibly blessed/thankful for those standards!), such as things I'll say or ways I'll act in front of co-workers. I don't like that. That's not what I've been called to. That's not why God sent His only son down to be brutally crucified.
Father help me to run to you. Keep my eyes up and on Your face. I want to love and serve You all the days of my life.
*That's a whole other blog post for a different time. I'm not saying people at Christian colleges don't struggle- I'm just saying it's a lot easier when you're in a community of believers and going to a church service of some flavor at a minimum of 6 days a week.
I don't own this song, yo.