Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Feel Again

Ah faithful interwebs, what a shamefully long time it's been! Thank God I'm not a professional Blogger or I would have been out of a job 3 weeks ago... I've been e-mailing with a girl friend of mine with whom I used to be the best of buds, and through mutual agreement we've acknowledged that we're just not there anymore. But that's ok! Friends and seasons shift, which is what's got me thinking and having the urge to post upon my long-forgotten blog.

Anyway, as I said I was e-mailing my friend, and we were updating each other on our lives since we also don't see each other much anymore. It's so odd. Since we last spoke, I stopped attending my now-former home church. Church has always been such an integral part of my life and always part of the update: "Oh you know- working, kid's churching, swing dancing, the usual.". But now my update is that I work and swing dance.

I'm feeling nomadic with church world right now. I've been to a few different churches... One didn't have any emphasis on the Holy Spirit, and I felt it the whole time I was in there. It was so odd- I've had the conversation with people before about the importance of the Holy Spirit, but I've never felt the palpable difference when it wasn't there. Sad really, as this church was fantastic and has such great community outreach. Could you imagine the even further impact they could have if they would embrace the power of the Holy Spirit? The other church I went to... Hm. It makes me think I'm a church snob. This group seemed very nice, and A and I even ran into a new acquaintance of ours from swing dance, but I just didn't feel comfortable there at all.

Church hunting is so weird. And a little painful. Even in college, I knew people at both churches I attended before actually going there. Now... That's not really the case, unless it's a happy coincidence.

With the dispersal of the young adults group at my church has come a new season in my life: one where I'm not constantly surrounded by people my age. And this is weird. Part of the church hunt includes a craving to be around people my own age- to have fun and make new friends. I know that's not what church is about, although maybe it is. The church is the body of Christ, not some building. Part of knowing God is being in fellowship with Him and fellow believers. So strike that- if people at a church all suck, then chances are the church itself probably sucks. So it's good to want to find a place where I will fit in and make new friends. This should be easy as I'll pretty much be friends with anyone.

This is kind of a weird season in my life right now. One filled with transition- A and I are pretty serious and are talking about big things for our future, I'm pondering asking for a promotion at work, I'm pondering a master's, I'm lamenting a lack of counseling classes so I could follow that career path, I'm looking for a church... I feel like I'm standing at a crossroads and not exactly positive what to do or where to go.

Is it awful that I kind of want to pack it up and move to Boston or San Diego (both have active swing scenes!) and start over?

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