Saturday, December 27, 2008

What do I want to be when I grow up?

I've somehow started to jokingly use the phrase "blah blah blah, when I grow up." Obviously saying there is something I want to do when I "grow up."
When do I grow up though? Biologically and legally I'm "grown up"- I'm 22 years old and graduating college in May. Emotionally I think I'm pretty darn grown up, I've run the gamut in things a young woman could possibly go through. Spiritually? Well I'll never be grown up in that regard, probably not even in Heaven, so I don't bother trying to "grow up". Granted it started as a joke, saying I want to do/be thing(s) "when I grow up", but it's eventually turned in to something I say with a hint of meaning behind it.
What do I want to be when I grow up?
A make-up artist?
A cake decorator?
Do I want to pursue making jewelry since it's doing pretty well now?
A sign language interpreter?
A children's pastor?
A mother?
A wife?
Yes and yes, with a side of yes please. Well, the cake decorating I wouldn't mind not doing, but everything else? I want it. I want all of it. But, the "grown up" side of me says I can't have it all, the spiritual side of me says to follow God, and the rest of me says "well what do I do then?" I'm stuck. I've had to re-accept my calling every few months, and I'm currently doing that again.
God has called me to work with children. I know I will be a foster mom at some point in time, I know I will mentor teenage girls at some point, and I know I will be a pastor. However the apparently un-grown up side of me doesn't really want to be a pastor. Is that normal? I've felt "the call" since I was about 16. I didn't start feeling iffy about my calling until I was about 19 or 20. . .
What changed though? Did Bible college ruin me? Did I become too cynical? Am I too hyper-critical and scared now of what people will think of my own preaching? Should any of this really matter if it's what God wants?
Perhaps I need to just stop worrying and let God take care of things. I always feel like I do a pretty OK job of letting Him take over, yet I get stuck in nights like this where I want to grab the reigns and steer it towards my own desires.

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8

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