Monday, December 29, 2008

What's my story?

In church yesterday Pastor Marc spoke about telling your story. He said Christians haven't been called to convince people to believe what they believe; we've been called to share the love of Christ and what He's done. This made me think. . .
I once [inadvertently] patronized a friend of mine for believing in Evolution. It's a theory I think is ridiculous because I believe in Creation, but there was no need for me to reiterate what she had said in a mocking tone. I sat in church feeling ashamed for my behavior. This is a friend of mine that is not a Christian and she might never become a Christian because I've been a bad example to her. I felt (and still do feel) compelled to apologize to her, although there's a good chance she doesn't even remember the incident. Yet it's one of those things that now haunts me and I wish it hadn't ever happened.
About 2 months ago, God told me I had to confess something to my mom. I had to tell her (without too graphic of details) about the physicality of my former relationship. Now, you need to understand that I'm very close to both of my parents since I'm an only child, I've grown up in church, and currently attend a Christian college studying to go into full-time ministry. All this to say, I'm not supposed to be that girl that would have struggles like that. However I ended up telling her and to be honest, it was the best talk we've ever had. I opened up to her about our relationship, and also about the things God had been doing in my life. I was able to share with her that story of how amazing God's been to me lately and the things He's made me go through to better myself.
It's all about our stories. I was able to be the best witness, and the best Christian that I could possibly be to my mama at that moment. She seemed a little sad that I hadn't told her these stories sooner, but honestly I didn't think she would understand. It opened up an amazing door between my mom and I.
Stories are what make my life. God's writing my love story, so I'm not concerned about dating. He's also writing the rest of my story, which thankfully I have a bit more involvement in. I think it was Brad Davis in chapel a couple of years ago that said "I'm through hearing about stories- I want to tell stories of my own."
I agree. :)

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