Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Stranger Danger!!

I'm currently house sitting for a friend and I'm staying alone in her family's big, lovely home. They have 3 dogs who are pretty sweet and laid back. However they also bark/howl at anything that comes nearby.

This isn't a big deal except when you mix in that the young lady house-sitting has an incredibly over-active imagination. I called up my friend because I was freaking out about their barking so late at night, and so much, and out it came: "I think the problem is I've never felt safe anywhere."

I pondered this statement for a moment... Where did that come from? Then it all dawned on me: there was someone raped in my home neighborhood when I was a kid. I was sexually abused as a child in 2 states. My family is filled with worry-warts. Between all that... I've never felt safe anywhere. That's why I'm scared of the dark. That's why I am paranoid of something hiding in the dark. That's why I freak out over every little noise and creak in a house...

Man, I should pay myself for the bangin' psycho-analysis.

Abba help me to trust in You. Help me to know that Your will is Your will. Give me peace to sleep through the night. Give me rest where I am scared. Hold me when I'm afraid. Help me not be so scared...

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. - 2 Timothy 1:7

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