Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It's been awhile. . .

Well it's been since June since I've graced the blogspot-sphere. Many-a-things have happened since then. . .
  • I've moved back to VA.
  • I'm still unemployed.
  • I'm somehow happier than I thought I could be.
Yep. It's true. I mean I loved living with my roommate in PA and seeing the friends up there that I did, but I lived with a constant heaviness of debt over my head from my rent and my CC bill and impending student loans being due.
Granted I still have student loans coming up in November, and my credit card bill is ridiculously high, but I'm happy. Things are syncing here.

God's doing something big in my life and I'm not entirely sure what it is. I'm excited- I'm praying that whatever it is I'll be prepared and equally excited when it happens. I went to kid's camp this past week and it was incredible. I went fully expecting to just serve kids and have fun and be covered in bug's spray, and what I got was so much more than that. I developed friendships with a bunch of kids, became closer to some pre-existing friends, and more importantly heard from God.

Is it sad I wasn't expecting that? All this time God spends telling me to always be expecting, and then I spend a week serving others and don't expect God to move in my life? Seriously? anyway. Off of my silliness. Wednesday night I went outside of the service and walked around in the rain, singing and praying because I felt like God wanted to speak. . . Essentially this is what He said:
"You need to stop being so scared of being a children's pastor. This is what I've called you to do and you know you can do it once you get past your own fears. You're so capable and you don't even realize it." Tagged along with that was the affirmation that I'm where I'm supposed to be at the moment. I don't need to worry about looking for a job outside of the area since I'm supposed to be here for now.
The next morning I was getting coffee before the morning service, and PG came in and we were chatting about coffee, when all of a sudden he started shmoozing me about being a great CP.
Things HE said:
  • "You're going to be a great children's pastor someday."
  • "You're very personable and like to organize- those are two things children's pastors need to have."
  • "You make friends easily so you won't have a problem getting volunteers."
  • "I've seen you at [church in PA], and I know when you get nervous you mess up- but we all do it. We all have our off days and we all forget stuff. But I know when you're ready and prepared you do well."
So, suffice to say, I'm so blessed despite being unemployed, broke as a joke, and in debt. :)

"Abba thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for never letting me forget to expect the unexpected. I pray that I will be prepared for whatever's coming my way and be a better woman for it in the end."

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