Monday, October 31, 2011


It's currently October 31st, 2011, 3:21am.
And I am awake.

Why, you ask? I have no idea! I do know that I've been sick since Tuesday (we've officially entered day 6 here) and before all I wanted was to sleep and be under my covers, whereas now I've tried to sleep and yet... nothing.

I slept today roughly from 2:30-5:30pm, so at 11pm I wasn't too surprised that I was still awake watching Step Up. I crawled into bed finally around 11:30, shut my eyes, and still... nothing.
I hopped on Facebook for a few minutes- typically something mundane and pointless will make me fall asleep. But still? Awake.
I laid back in bed, trying to convince myself I was asleep. I breathed slower. I rolled around. I turn my pillows over looking for the coveted cold side. Still awake.
I got onto Pinterest because I thought of some weird fitness tip that looked neat that I wanted to try to remember. I hoped Pinterest would put me to sleep where Facebook didn't. Instead I spent ~20 minutes trying to figure out why I couldn't make a darned board for motivational things.
I laid in bed thinking of weird dreams I'd had, hoping to convince myself I was indeed dreaming.
I planned things for my 25th birthday party (12 days away, mind you!).
I prayed.
I reflected.
I read all of Galatians (not that impressive- it's only 6 chapters).
I moved all of my jeans from my closet to this under bed storage thing.
I moved a bunch of comfy/bummy pants to the same under bed storage thing.
I cleaned out a few shirts + 1 jacket from my closet to give away to Goodwill.
I contemplated keeping an argyle sweater that was compliments of Black Friday 2010.
I realized I desperately need to vacuum my floor.
I've sneezed compulsively.
I wished that there was a vacuum in my room so I wouldn't have to leave my little haven.
I coughed and have been sick.
I re-read e-mails from months past.
I did wall crunch-y things (they were the fitness tip on Pinterest I wanted to remember!).
I determined to drink lemon water more.
I thought about doing the wall crunch-y things on hard floor with a towel underneath to avoid rug burn again.
I stared at my dresses.
I contemplated Jesus.
I wished for other people to be awake so I can commiserate with other insomniacs.
I pondered reducing my regular drink order at Starbucks from Grande to Tall. I already went from Venti to Grande, why not drop off another few ounces?
I wondered if I showered tonight what my hair would look like in the morning.
I realized that no matter how much I convince myself otherwise, I will never be one of those girls who can pull off great hair the morning after a night shower.

I've had a ridiculous productive 4 hours, hoping something would lull me into the sweet arms of sleep, but still.... nothing.

There is a highly good chance I'm not going to bother going to sleep at all. I'm almost looking at this like a challenge to see what can happen. Then again, who wants to see this on no sleep? Not me, that's for sure.

Oh look! A yawn! Maybe it's a sign of things to come...??


1 comment:

  1. Girl - I wish you had come across the landing and gotten me, I was tossing and turning all night long!! I would have kept you company for a while. :(

    Please do get better and figure out a way to capture your energy for the healthy days! Or just bottle it up somehow and sell it then you can be rich!!!

    Anyways, I am praying for swift return to slumbering nights and full health!

    Love you!

