Tuesday, May 12, 2009

But we haven't met yet?

Do you think it's possible to love someone you've never met? Maybe it's because I've grown up so much in the last couple of years, and learned so much about myself, but I feel like I'm ready to be in a relationship. I see relationships on TV, the computer, and even in my own life, and something inside my heart pulls a bit. Something inside of me wants that. Then every time I get that feeling, I say a quick prayer for whoever he is and hope that there's a chance he's thinking of me too. 

Ack I'm a romantic. Sickening, isn't it? It's quite possibly because I'm watching "P.S. I Love You"- in fact I can almost guarantee that's why I'm thinking so much of this. However even looking at my parents and seeing how much they love each other and the flirting that happens makes something twitch inside and say "I want that." Which there's nothing wrong with that, I really don't think there is. In fact I'm fairly certain the longer I'm single the more I can whittle away things that I actually want versus things I think I want. I can also pare away the things I used to want versus the things God wants. 

I can look back on myself in the last few years and feel a sense of pride, knowing I'm nothing like the girl I used to be. I'd like to think it's all for the better, and sure I still have some kinks to work out, but there'd be no fun if there wasn't some pain. I'm not boy crazy like I used to be. I'm picky with my choices in men, and I know that's ok. I have a list of things I want to do in my life, and it's ok that I'm not sure which is going to happen first- at least I have a list. I pray for my future husband and that he's going through some hell like I've had to. It's only fair after all. ;) I pray for direction pretty darn regularly. I'm in love with God. I have confidence that I never would have thought possible. I have such an amazingly talented group of friends who bless me on a regular basis. I never would have thought I would know such incredible people, but God has given me so much more than I deserve. 

I'm excited for whatever my future hubby's going to be like. Knowing how picky I am, he's going to be pretty dang cool. ;) 

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