Sunday, March 18, 2012

Stars shining bright above you...

I'd like to apologize now for how gross my blog will be for awhile.

However I'm not going to apologize for the absolute happiness and smittenocity I feel. I'm so giddy I'm making up new words (i.e.- "smittenocity"). Someone at work asked me if it was going to be weird with us transitioning from friends to boyfriend/girlfriend. I said I didn't think it would be weird, we really like each other. And honestly now I'm even more certain how right he and I are. The fact that we fit so naturally together, even physically when we're hugging.  It just seems right. the outpouring of love and support from friends and family. Everyone's so excited! And that's what I've always wanted- for the world to breathe that sigh of "Finally" whenever I became attached to someone. It's perfect.

My dear friend from college made an interesting observation: he did a fantastic job of guarding my heart prior to asking me out. He spent time seeking guidance from friends and God if he should pursue me, but in the process he didn't drag my heart through anything. He was persistent in asking me things and getting to know me, but rarely was he even remotely flirty. Compliments were offered on occasion but with little else attached to them. He figured out his business while protecting me. And that is so treasured. I told him her hypothesis and he agreed, that it was his role to protect my heart and to pursue me. How refreshing! A man being a man. =) I want to fight for our relationship, to keep it pure and free from garbage. I'll fight to protect his heart like he's fought to protect mine. =)

He's got some serious game that I wasn't expecting. ;) He's suave and dashing and an absolute charmer. I knew he was sweet and thoughtful before, but I never knew how much so until we took our relationship to the next level. He's extremely open with his feelings towards me, gushes praises and compliments, and makes me feel silly and girly and treasured all at the same time. I know any grossly mushy thing I say will be reciprocated. I know there's a man who's thinking about me constantly, and that alone makes my heart flutter. He makes me want to be a better woman and a better Christian.

And again, it's all because of God. I can not get over how absolutely perfect God is. I can't fathom that this has been God's plan for my life all along. I don't know where Adrian and I will be in a 6 months or a year, but I know that I love this story. I love how things are going. I love that he's just as mushy of a romantic as I am and one of his love languages is also physical touch. It means there's lots of hugging. =)

I'm more in love with God. I'm absolutely smitten with my guy. And I can't wait to see where this goes.

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