Thursday, May 31, 2012

"We're equal in this..."

"We're equal in this, we're together in this, and we will work things out together."

Just a few simple words but they impacted her more than she anticipated. In fact, they impacted her more than many of the other things he had said to her. Not that all other sentiments were null, but something about the solidarity he suggested, coupled with the fact that he too felt the same way. She was loath to bring up anything that resembled confrontation, but she felt safe talking to him. And while this wasn't anything resembling conflict, the girl just didn't know how it would be received. How was it received? Absolutely beautifully. The glowing warmth she felt inside her heart swelled for him as she exhaled slowly. Many of her friends chose to display romantic exaltations on social media sites, but this girl wanted something different. Something less... showy. Not that there was anything wrong, but for the feeling she had inside, Facebook wasn't to be her outlet.

Instead she would write in her little corner of the internet, and show how much her heart had been impacted  by one man. Speak of how excellent of a leader he was, both on and off the dance floor. Praise his ability to be rational and thoughtful, while still maintaining an exuberant lust for life and laughter. Laud his willingness to help in any and all situations, be it by driving to a convenience store or by praying.

This man is awesome. He is kind and sweet, gentle but fierce, courageous but meek, lovable and ridiculous. He's everything that God knew I would ever, ever need. And everything I didn't know that I needed.

"Complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind."
Philippians 2:2 

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