Saturday, January 10, 2009

Can I have my cake and eat it too?

It's an expression we hear all the time and use usually to crush the dreams or bring a more serious rationale to a potentially goofy idea. I actually have 3 cakes. All of which are not in my home state; 1 is in Arizona, 1 is in Minnesota; and the 3rd is.... not entirely sure just yet.
I know which "cakes" I -desperately- want, and which "cake" I should probably take. However the more I've thought and the more I've used my rationale, the more I've realized I can potentially have my cakes AND eat them. This is a glorious realization that I could, for once, actually have what I want. In my life it always seems that despite something being seemingly easy, there's always speed bumps and it doesn't turn out the way it was supposed to. I'm not kidding; I wish I was. Things rarely go exactly according to plan.
I essentially have figured a way to conjoin 2 of the cakes and have what I want. Such a revelation has made me turn red with delight and glee. I haven't talked to the appropriate people to make sure such a thing is possible, but the idea that 2 things I want the most could actually come true? My heart twitters and giggles at the possibility. I want to laugh and cry and rejoice.
However the part of me that knows how things usually go in my life is skeptical; I don't want to get my hopes up even though they're already ridiculously high. I don't want to start to make plans and accommodations for these hopes and my cakes go tumbling to the ground. I'm begging and pleading that God will open doors for things to happen.
So now I beg the question: "Can I have my cake and eat it too?"

"Our hearts will be happy in God, because we trust in His holy name." - Psalm 33:21

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