Monday, January 5, 2009

God is bigger.

I'm graduating college in May. I didn't realize until probably 3 weeks ago that I have no idea what I'm doing once I graduate. Being this is my 5th year in college, I've watched dozens of acquaintances and friends graduate and some of them saying "I have no idea what I'm doing when I graduate" and I honestly never thought I would be one of them.
God called me to children's ministries, I'm getting licensed to preach this coming semester, so I think I always assumed I would just have something plop in my lap. Now, thankfully my friend Cortney is more rational/logical than I am most of the time, and in the midst of my freak out she said "Why are you freaking out so much? You don't graduate until May. That's almost half a year away. A lot can happen in almost half a year." I'm still grateful to her for those immaculate words 3 weeks ago. I'm still worried. I'm still nervous, but a lot can change. I was offered 4 internships in 4 seperate states within a couple of weeks. 3 years ago God gave me $600 in 2 days for my missions trip to Mexico. Just under 2 years ago God got out me out an unhealthy relationship and saved each of us from making a big mistake. And now I think He can't give me a plan for post-graduation?
Silly silly me. . .
Granted it's not just being concerned about a job. Who said I'll go straight into ministry once I graduate? Should I get my masters degree in something? I do want to eventually, but do I want to now? And if that's the case, what do I get it in? Or do I want to go to a school of sorts and get my sign language interpreter's license? I mean I've loved sign language since I was in 5th grade, I've taken classes at NOVA community college and I still love it. I would even love to work with deaf kids. So now I'm stuck in an awkward limbo. I don't know what to get my master's in, unless I get it in Christian Leadership or get my M. Div. or Christian Counseling... I kinda want the Christian Counseling. I think that would be good to have if I'm working with kids and families.
This woman did a sign language interpretation to a song that was sung in church yesterday, and I had tears in my eyes watching and something in my heart said "I want that." I really truly want to do sign language.
Did I just figure out what I'm going to do?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understandings; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

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