Saturday, March 28, 2009

Don't forget!

I've been on a kick lately of something that's a bit old-fashioned that not a lot of people do anymore. Now don't judge me for my confession that's about to pop up, and don't be too scared. I'm not crazy or anything, but I'm finding it's something I actually really enjoy. . . 

Reading the Bible.

I know! I know! Who reads the Bible anymore? Well ok we use chunks and pieces for our sermons, but who legitimately sits down and enjoys reading it these days? Especially when we live in a culture that doesn't have time to enjoy it. We're busy people! Busy busy busy! 
But I read something that really struck a chord in the 40 minutes I read my Bible for fun. . . I was reading in Joshua and on the side of my Bible was a little devotional about a passage in the book, and it was talking about the Israelites leaving stones or memorials so that people wouldn't ever forget what God had done in that place. In this case it was them crossing the Jordan River. They took 12 stones and piled them up so people would always look at that and remember the miracle of crossing a river that was 10-12 feet deep in flood season! 
Then I realized, how do I remember what God's done in my life? Do I remember what God's done in my life? I mean sure I remember the big things like my financial debt being taken care of, or huge movements in my life, but do I remember the little words of affirmation or believing that God placed on me? I have a prayer journal that I've been keeping fairly active for a couple of years, and I try to write down all the words I get in there but some times I feel like I forget them before I can write them down. I want to make a point to never forget what God has done. 
And also, I'm *really* glad God responded when I asked for a renewed passion for the Bible. I was sick of being complacent in my walk, and I told God to "rock the boat" so to speak. But specifically, to start with me having a renewed love for reading the Bible. I'm "too busy" and have "too much to do" and "not enough time" to read it most of the time. I asked God to help me find time. I'm glad He answered. ;) 

Father help me to never forget how powerful You are and how faithful You are on a daily basis in my life. Please don't let me become complacent with mediocrity. Amen.

"He did this so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the Lord is powerful and so that you might always fear the Lord your God." Joshua 4:24

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