Monday, March 23, 2009

Faith the size of a mustard seed

How much do I really believe in what I pray?
I mean I constantly ask God for things I want answered or for miracles to be done in my life or someone else's life, but do I really believe it can happen?
Do I really believe that God will do something?

I've been praying for my daddy to get saved for years, and I've always legitimately wanted him to get saved, but did I really think God would save him? Or did I think my dad would magically become Christian of his own volition?
This past semester I really started believing it; I started being more aggressive with my prayer requests. I started actively telling God that I was going to believe Him and have faith in His promises. Countless times we read in the Bible how God is faithful and can do anything, yet will He really move if we don't believe He will? Now with my prayers I actively tell God that I do have faith in Him and I do believe that He's going to move. I tell him on a regular basis that I'm expecting Him to move because 1) He's told me before that if I go expecting Him to move, He will, and 2) I deserve it. As His daughter I deserve it, and that applies for everyone. 

Things I'm believing my Abba for:
Salvation for my dad
Healing of my knee
Plans to happen for graduation
His will be revealed to me daily
A renewed sense of passion on a daily basis

All I need is the faith of a mustard seed. That's not too much to ask, so why do I act like it's so much to give?

Abba thank you for staying faithful to me when I'm so unfaithful to you. I'm expecting you to move and re-ignite this fire in me, and God I'll even take this first step to show I'm committed. I'm believing in you Abba, and I know you won't let me down. 

"He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20

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