Wednesday, February 4, 2009

16 year old redhead scares me. . .

I just found this on an old blog of mine. It makes my heart sad and reaffirms that I want to work with teenage girls so they don't have to do this. . . :\

"BUT. here's what I'll do. if I get hungry, I'll just steam some cauliflower. maybe put a bit of spray butter on it, and we'll all be happy! yay! I complained about being a pig and crap in my last entry, but I dont feckin do anything about it. Im gonna work out more, and eat less, and purge more. pop some more pills, and we'll all be happy! yay me! =)"  my OpenDiary account from 7/3/2003
(The pills were apple cider vinegar pills, which I had heard would increase your metabolism if you took them regularly.)

Again Abba, thank you for your faithfulness. <3

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