Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Nothing is impossible for You.

*Inspired by a vision of a friend I just had*

Sweat poured off his brow. His breathing was tense and haggard as he struggled to stand back up. His palms were scratched up and there was a slight wobble to his knees as he fought to defeat the fatigue that was overtaking him. He slumped back down for a brief second before throwing his gaze into the sky and staring up with a steely determination in his eyes. With a surge of adrenaline, hope, and a slight growl he forced himself onto his two feet. 
There he stood- the sun's rays shining behind him emanating a glow that seemed ethereal. The warrior was bleeding from seemingly everywhere; yet a slight smile formed at his mouth. Sweat had made his hair cling to his scalp and dirt to his face and hands, yet he never looked better. The last rays of the sun framed the injured warrior as he stood there, arms by his side, breathing in a somewhat more stable manner. "This tower can not be shaken," he murmured through cracked lips. This time as he fell to his knees it wasn't in defeat, but in a sign of humility before his heavenly Father, thanking Him yet again for the strength to get up again. His breathing slowed more to a restful pace, and as he whispered praises and love to his Abba, his God, he fell asleep when the sun did. 

Abba thank you for friends that inspire me and make me want to be a better person.

"Commit yourself to God, and you will succeed." Proverbs 16:3

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